Website Build and Social Media Management – Wood Street Co Work

Wood Street Co Work - Case Study

Wood Street Co Work - Case Study

Wood Street Co Work is a new and growing Coworking Space designed to meet the needs of the community of entrepreneurs and innovators in Swindon and Surrounding areas. Situated in Old Town, Swindon, the modern Coworking Space offers a variety of plans for individuals or small businesses. Equipped with a wide range of amenities and outstanding facilities, it’s the perfect place for brainstorming, networking and getting work done.

Wood Street Co Work is a new and growing Coworking Space designed to meet the needs of the community of entrepreneurs and innovators in Swindon and Surrounding areas. Situated in Old Town, Swindon, the modern Coworking Space offers a variety of plans for individuals or small businesses. Equipped with a wide range of amenities and outstanding facilities, it’s the perfect place for brainstorming, networking and getting work done.


Services Provided:

Website Build/Management

Full website builds from initial wireframing and domain setup all the way to ongoing Search Engine Optimisation, we can help at any stage of your website’s development timeline.
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Social Media Marketing

Creating the perfect tailored social media marketing campaign plan that aligns with your end-goal objectives and delivers results – both paid and organic.
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Video Creation

From short mini clips to full-length cinematic showcases, TBG have the equipment and expertise available to perfectly capture your business in the way you want it.
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Inbound/Outbound Customer Service

Flexible inbound and outbound phone-based customer service solutions that address customer demand and manage response for businesses of all sizes, across all sectors.
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Video Creation

From short mini clips to full-length cinematic showcases, TBG have the equipment and expertise available to perfectly capture your business in the way you want it.
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Inbound/Outbound Customer Service

Flexible inbound and outbound phone-based customer service solutions that address customer demand and manage response for businesses of all sizes, across all sectors.
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Website Build/Management

Full website builds from initial wireframing and domain setup all the way to ongoing Search Engine Optimisation, we can help at any stage of your website’s development timeline.
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Social Media Marketing

Creating the perfect tailored social media marketing campaign plan that aligns with your end-goal objectives and delivers results – both paid and organic.
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TBG Group have provided an excellent service in establishing our website and social media platforms as well as assisting us with taking in inbound customer queries and coworker bookings. It was a pleasure working with them to devise our high quality showreel which really showcases the look and feel we are aiming for with Wood Street Co Work. I am looking forward to seeing our partnership grow in the future.
Matthew Horner
Wood Street Co Work
TBG Group have provided an excellent service in establishing our website and social media platforms as well as assisting us with taking in inbound customer queries and coworker bookings. It was a pleasure working with them to devise our high quality showreel which really showcases the look and feel we are aiming for with Wood Street Co Work. I am looking forward to seeing our partnership grow in the future.
Matthew Horner
Wood Street Co Work

Campaign Objective and Project Background

Campaign Objective and Project Background

As a brand-new business startup, Wood Street Co Work required a multi-channel marketing campaign spanning across a new website and social media platforms all united within one marketing strategy. Due to the nature of the business and its needs, Wood Street Co Work needed a website capable of taking and amending bookings – all within a very quick timeframe.

It was imperative that the website and its social media platforms communicated key messages to its prospective coworkers – Creativity, Great Facilities and Convenient Location.

As a brand-new business startup, Wood Street Co Work required a multi-channel marketing campaign spanning across a new website and social media platforms all united within one marketing strategy. Due to the nature of the business and its needs, Wood Street Co Work needed a website capable of taking and amending bookings – all within a very quick timeframe.

It was imperative that the website and its social media platforms communicated key messages to its prospective coworkers – Creativity, Great Facilities and Convenient Location.

Project execution

Co-operating with Wood Street Co Work’s business directors, TBG Group setup and established Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn platforms in line with their key target audience demographics. A pre-launch content calendar was created, designed to build anticipation amongst the local community, highlighting key features and benefits of the new coworking space.

As part of the content calendar, TBG Group also worked with Wood Street Co Work’s staff and trial members to create a two-minute long showreel highlighting the key selling points of the coworking space. Draft storyboards were created and approved prior to filming taking place involving the interviewing of trial members regarding their experience, high-quality shots of the workspace’s facilitates and amenities and much more – all within 2 minutes of video time tailored to showcase Wood Street Co Work’s offering to innovators and entrepreneurs within Swindon and surrounding areas.

During the pre-launch stage, TBG Group’s experienced digital marketing team worked with Marketing Directors at Wood Street Co Work in setting up and developing the brand-new website. With the very tight timeframe in mind, TBG Group’s hosting platform of choice was WIX with booking functionalities and web functions readily available allowing TBG Staff to facilitate and amend bookings as and when needed.

Wireframes and mock-up visuals were created, illustrating the look and feel TBG Group were aiming for in line with the branding and messaging guidelines given. Once approved, TGB Group worked tirelessly over the span of 2 weeks to fully develop and optimise Wood Street Co Work’s brand-new website. All in time with the planned pre-launch marketing campaign.

Project execution

Co-operating with Wood Street Co Work’s business directors, TBG Group setup and established Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn platforms in line with their key target audience demographics. A pre-launch content calendar was created, designed to build anticipation amongst the local community, highlighting key features and benefits of the new coworking space.

As part of the content calendar, TBG Group also worked with Wood Street Co Work’s staff and trial members to create a two-minute long showreel highlighting the key selling points of the coworking space. Draft storyboards were created and approved prior to filming taking place involving the interviewing of trial members regarding their experience, high-quality shots of the workspace’s facilitates and amenities and much more – all within 2 minutes of video time tailored to showcase Wood Street Co Work’s offering to innovators and entrepreneurs within Swindon and surrounding areas.

During the pre-launch stage, TBG Group’s experienced digital marketing team worked with Marketing Directors at Wood Street Co Work in setting up and developing the brand-new website. With the very tight timeframe in mind, TBG Group’s hosting platform of choice was WIX with booking functionalities and web functions readily available allowing TBG Staff to facilitate and amend bookings as and when needed.

Wireframes and mock-up visuals were created, illustrating the look and feel TBG Group were aiming for in line with the branding and messaging guidelines given. Once approved, TGB Group worked tirelessly over the span of 2 weeks to fully develop and optimise Wood Street Co Work’s brand-new website. All in time with the planned pre-launch marketing campaign.


Wood Street Co Work’s launch was a great success with many individuals from Swindon and surrounding areas arriving to take a tour and make their bookings. Both the website and social media platforms received promising initial feedback with LinkedIn and Instagram followers topping over 200 followers as of August 2023.

During the pre-launch success, TBG Group enhanced plans for the post-launch stage of Wood Street Co Work’s marketing strategy, a new content calendar has been devised for the rest of the 2023 calendar year and TBG Group continue to support the customer services team in taking inbound booking queries.  


Wood Street Co Work’s launch was a great success with many individuals from Swindon and surrounding areas arriving to take a tour and make their bookings. Both the website and social media platforms received promising initial feedback with LinkedIn and Instagram followers topping over 200 followers as of August 2023.

During the pre-launch success, TBG Group enhanced plans for the post-launch stage of Wood Street Co Work’s marketing strategy, a new content calendar has been devised for the rest of the 2023 calendar year and TBG Group continue to support the customer services team in taking inbound booking queries.  

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Whatever your query is – we’re here to help. Speak to our experienced team by submitting a form below.

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